
How to make a new Facebook account

Posted by Unknown On Monday, March 25, 2013 0 comments

Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg . Facebook is a social network website and launched in 2004. Now I am going to show you how to create a facbook account. First of all you need to create email account if you have already any email account no need to create new email account you can use your old email. I suggest, you should create a new email account for your new facebook account. I have selected a gmail account for creating a facebook account. Let’s start now. 

You'll need a computer or laptop with internet connection.

Step 1:  

Go to this page: www.facebook.com .You will get a sing up page and write your information such as: your name , email address , password, gender, birthday etc. Click on sing up option. 

Step 2: 

Now you will see a new window. You will not put anything just click on Skip this step.


Step 3:

Here you have to fill up your profile information. You will fill up your information one by one. Then click on save& Continue option.

Step 4:

Now set your profile picture you can use your own picture as your wish so you need to upload a photo from your computer. When your uploaded photo will visible then you will click on save & continue.

Step 5:

This is you main facebook page but you have to verify  your account .

Step 6:

So you have to login your email account then you will click on the link which I have mentioned in this screenshot as a red box.

Step 7:  

Finally your new facebook account is ready for you.

These are 7 steps to create a new facebook account. Let me know if you have any query.


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